I have made many comments on how great our year as started and how the students of 5C have proved many times to be very respectful and responsible. But, as with any new situation, we have set-backs - kind of like the saying, "two steps forward, one step back". And I'm sad to say that yesterday, some of my 5C students took a large step in the wrong direction. During literacy class yesterday, some of my 5C students were being SO disrespectful to Mrs. Sorenson that she had to step out into the hallway to take a little break. Students were blurting answers and ideas, interrupting Mrs. Sorenson while she was talking and giving directions, carrying on their own conversations instead of listening to Mrs. Sorenson, and worst of all making jokes and laughing during an activity Mrs. Sorenson was having the students complete about 9/11. Now, I know that not all of my kiddos would act this way and I now that only a handful were making these poor behavior choices - as some of my students were not even in the classroom at the time, but I was so disappointed by those who chose to act in this way. It's disappointing to me that we aren't showing our best and being respectful at all times.
Yesterday was not a terrible day - we had some great moments and some not-so-great moments. We will take today as a learning experience and move on. I know that 5C is capable of being a fantastic group!!
I'm so sorry we were so disrespectful in Mrs.Sorenson's and Mrs.Halverson's classrooms. Hope its a good rest of a good school year.
: Spencer