Monday, October 5, 2009

5C Thoughts About Last Week

We were having such a good time reading and eating with our families on Friday, that we didn't have time to blog!! So, today we took a few minutes out of our day to record our thoughts about our school week last week. 

We learned about partial differences in math. - Trevor
We had our parents come to read with us. We had breadsticks and they were really good. - Chaise
Abbey's mom cooked our breadsticks. - Nathan
Abbey's mom is a good cook. - Spencer
We had guidance again. - Haley M.
There was a paper thing in social studies where we had to draw pictures of winter counts. - Mathew
Some of us got in trouble in Mrs. Halverson's class. - Haley S.
We asked "Would you Rather" questions. - Katie
All of the non-noisy kids in social studies and science got free homework passes. - Dawson
I was only here on Friday because I was sick. - Jordan
We learned many ways to add and subtract in math. - Trevor
Katie tried to change her name to Kation. - Mrs. Kuhn
We had to have our parents sign our tests. - Chaise
We had chicken nuggets for lunch. - Abbey
Math rocked! - Alexis
Who ya gonna call? Ghostbusters! - Mrs. Kuhn

Mrs. Kuhn rocks - from all of 5C


  1. im serious abbeys mom is a good cook.

    Mrs.Kuhn ROCKS AND TH COOLEST!!!!!!!!!

  2. our assembly was awesome bench press 345 ( janett ) and 460 ( matt ) man. thats 800 lbs (i think)! i kinda wish they whad of sprayed more of us (especial th teachers) oddious (adios)

