Friday, January 15, 2010

Finally back to hoo

It's the end of a very long week, but I'm glad we are finally getting back into the routine of school. Here are some random thoughts of 5C students. The title of our post was chosen by Haley S.

I am going to a Vikings game this Sunday against the Cowboys. The girls play tonight vs. Waukon, for the second of four times. I'm three levels away from winning Bloxorz. - Austin
Wishing my brother a Happy Birthday! - Dalton
Chaise is coming over on Saturday and leaving on Sunday. - Cameron
I'm going over to Cameron's house and we are going to ambush his brother with nerf guns. - Chaise
It's my grandma's birthday on Sunday and I am going to my friend's house for her birthday party on Saturday. - Katie
I'm going to a friend's house for a birthday party on Saturday. - Lilly
We're having a sledding party this weekend. - Haley M.
I lost a tooth today. Tomorrow I have a cousin coming from Boscable, WI and we are going to play DS for most of the time he is here. - Logan
Yesterday Donavyn chucked an eraser at my nose and made it bleed. - Dawson
We have a basketball scrimmage tomorrow. - Trevor
We have a student teacher from Luther! - Spencer
I like our new teacher, Miss Bigelow! - Nathan

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Welcome Back...Take Two!

Well 5C, this may possibly be the longest winter break in history! :) I hope you all enjoyed your extra couple of days off. I'm sure many of you used your extra days to play with Christmas gifts..right Cameron? I enjoyed the day we spent together last Wednesday - believe it or not, teachers miss their kids over long breaks like that! I know...we MUST be crazy! I had fun spending the entire day with you and listening to all of the exciting things that happened in our lives over break and hearing about all of the wonderful gifts you gave and received. I'm glad we had the chance to spend the whole day as a homeroom! But, now it's back to reality and back to normal...well, not totally normal, but pretty close!

Hopefully some of you remember me telling you last Wednesday that our music schedule will be changing this week because of rehearsals for the program. Mrs. Holten would like to have class with ALL 5th graders at the same time this month so you sound the best you possibly can when you perform for all of your family and friends. So, we have had to do a little tweaking with our schedule to get this new music time to fit into our schedule. We will talk more about the details when I see you tomorrow, but for now just keep in mind that you will have BOTH P.E. and music tomorrow!

I hope that you all told your families about the special new member of our 5C family?!? Miss Bigelow is an elementary education student from Luther College who will be spending the month of January with us. I got a chance to talk with her on Wednesday after school and she is very excited to be with us this month! She had a great day with us and was excited about returning! Thanks 5C for being so welcoming towards her! Remember, she will not be with us tomorrow. We will see her again on Tuesday.

I am very excited to get back to school and back to work this week. It sounds like we are in for a warmer, snow-free week, so that is a plus! We will be starting new units of study in all classes, so that is something for you to look forward to as well. Enjoy your last few hours of this extra, extra long break! See you tomorrow