Friday, October 30, 2009

Freaky Friday!

We had a busy week in 5C! Here are our thoughts and comments about another week of 5th grade! This week's blog title was chosen by Dalton.

I cracked my tooth yesterday. - Logan
Tomorrow night is Halloween! Boo! - Dawson
The spider was eghhhhhhh! - Haley S.
We did radical reading and shared our pig stories. We do costumes today for the Wizard of Oz! - Mathew
We saw a spider today. - Cameron
I'm going to the haunted house tonight. - Josh
Today is the day before Halloween. - Haley M.
Kindergartners walked through classrooms in their costumes. My cousin was spiderman (for  years now, I think). - Dalton
I'm going to a Halloween party tomorrow. - Lilly
The radical readers rocked! I was an alien. - Jordan
I was a radical reader and my name was Crazy Funky Random Dude. I yelled in Dalton's face. - Austin
I was a radical reader too and I was Little Red Riding Hood with some sweet up hair and a dress. - Spencer
I was embarrassed when I read my 3 little big story. - Nathan
In literacy Dawson almost peed himself. (Dawson says - "I drank all of my pop in like 3 seconds.") - Trevor
Halloween rocks! - Alexis
In my story the 3 little pigs the witness was a little cukoo! - Katie
I'm a zombie bride for Halloween. - Abbey
The radical reader's costumes were great! Have a safe and Happy Halloween 5C! - Mrs. Kuhn

Mrs. Kuhn is the best teacher there ever was. - All of 5C

Sunday, October 25, 2009

It's Already the End of October?

Where has this month gone? It seems like just yesterday we were creating our goals for the month of October and now it's time to check our progress on those goals and press ahead with our year! This school year is going by so fast - I can hardly believe that in a few short weeks we will be preparing for Thanksgiving and a few short weeks past that, Christmas! Just think 5C, before you know it you will be half-way done with fifth grade!

Lots of things have been happening in the fifth grade classrooms these past few weeks. In reading, all of 5C has been very excited for their turn to be the "Radical Reader". Students have been practicing reading fluently and changing their voice based on the book they are reading and the authors purpose. In writing, students have been busy working through the stages of the writing process - generating an idea, drafting their writing, editing for mistakes, conferencing with Mrs. Sorenson and publishing their piece. All students have a published piece of their writing due Friday! In math, we finished Unit 2, Estimation and Computation, last week. We will begin working on Unit 3, Geometry and the American Tour, this week! We will be exploring polygons, measuring angles, classifying triangles and creating tessellations during this unit! In science, students have been studying rocks and have been very excited about their pet rocks! This week they will be painting their rocks and conducting different experiments with those rocks and Early Americans continue to be the topic of our social studies classes.

Now that the first quarter is past us, my expectations for student behavior and responsibility increase.  I am trying a new behavior/responsibility incentive with 5C this quarter and hopefully it will be successful! Have your 5C student explain "Pay Day" to you!

I'm looking forward to another super week, 5C! This week we are going to be creating a special project for conferences. I'll know that you checked the blog tomorrow if you come to school tomorrow morning and you say, "Cheese". I'll tell you why you will be saying, "Cheese" tomorrow! See you then!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Nose Burning Friday

Wow 5C! Can you believe that another week of school is over? This year is going very fast and I even heard some 5C students say the same thing today, so I will take that has a sign that you are enjoying 5th grade? I hope so! The title of our blog today was chosen by Abbey. Apparently in science class today the students were investigating rocks and one of the activities was to smell them. Some of the rocks had a strong chemical smell and some 5C kiddos thought that it felt like their noses were burning after smelling them! Ya gotta love science!

I get to name the blog today. - Abbey
If we are bad we have to "pay" Mrs. Kuhn. - Nathan
Pay day is today! - Austin
I'm going to a party on Sunday for youth football. - Cameron
My brother is okay from his seizure. - Dalton
It was wacky tie and blue day today. - Mathew
We did an essay in social studies. - Josh
My birthday was Monday! - Alexis
We had a test this week for math. - Austin
The math test was hard. - Dawson
Spencer just fell off of his chair and it was funny. - Haley M.
Alexis didn't seem too enthusiastic that her birthday was Monday. - Dalton
Abbey, Logan, and Trevor didn't get to see the people who were coming. - Mathew
I'm going to my Dad's house tonight and I'm going to a party in Dunkerton. - Trevor
I know who pushed Spencer off of the chair - Fred the ghost. - Haley S.
The play is November 13, 14 and 15. - Katie

5C students are also very excited about their pet rocks for science...
We got to pick out pet rocks in science. - Jordan
I named my pet rock Frank. - Haley M.
I named my rock Louie. - Spencer
I named my rock Peanut. - Chaise
I named my rock Crystal. - Dawson
I named my rock Kchilli Socks. - Katie
I named my rock Sandy. - Logan
I named my rock Aaron. - Trevor
I named by rock Bubba. - Cameron
I named my rock Nosey. - Nathan
My rock's nickname is Stone. - Chaise
I named my rock Hatchet. - Jordan
I don't know what I'm naming my rock yet. - Haley S.
We get to paint our rocks on Monday. - Lilly

Thanks for a wonderful week 5C! Have a fantastic weekend and I look forward to seeing you all again on Monday!

Monday, October 19, 2009

5C Is About To Become A Lot "SMARTER"!!!!

Guess what 5C students and families...We have exciting news in our classroom. Today, after the kids left school an important package was delivered to our classroom!! It was in a very large box, lots of noise was made installing it and it hangs on our wall! Did you guess what it is yet? Yes, it's our SMARTBOARD!!!! I was SO excited - it was hard to stay focused on grades and report cards. However, just because our SMART board arrived today, doesn't mean that we will get to use it tomorrow. Our projector still needs to be mounted and Mrs. Westcott needs to come and install some information on my computer before we can begin using it. We will have to wait patiently. 

In other news - the rest of our week will be a normal schedule! Yeah! Tomorrow for Character Counts week, we will be celebrating the pillar of Responsibility! Remember to wear the color green and sunglasses TO SCHOOL and during RECESS. Let's remember the activity we did today and try to be kids of character at all times!

That's it for now! I hope you all studied for our math test tomorrow! Get a good nights sleep and I'll see you tomorrow!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Screaming Teacher...(Not Mrs. Kuhn)

It has been an interesting week in 5C...a normal schedule for a change, but more chatting that usual, screaming teachers and lots of work to complete for the end of the quarter! The title of our post today was chosen by Austin.

My birthday is Monday!! - Alexis
Today in science and social studies we had a good day. - Haley M.
We had a good day in science and in all subjects today! - Jordan (Mrs. Kuhn says YEAH!)
Trevor started calling me crouton. - Katie
I'm sick of math. - Dawson (Mrs. Kuhn says AHHHHHHH!)
Sunday is the last day of youth football. - Cameron
We had a screaming teacher in social studies today! (But it wasn't mad screaming) - Nathan
Mrs. Halverson is going to Green Bay for a Packers game. - Spencer
Today is the end of the first quarter! Yeah! - Chaise
Math test on Tuesday! - Trevor
We have a social studies test on Monday. - Lilly
On Monday it's the beginning of the second quarter. And I forgot what I was going to say. - Haley S.
Mrs. Twetten and all of the 5th grade teachers rock! - Katie
On Saturday is my dad's Halloween party at his work. - Chaise
Nobody seems enthused about what they are saying right now. - Haley M.
Um... Mrs. Kuhn rocks no matter what anyone else says. - Spencer
I have two ghostbusters. - Abbey
My favorite subject is social studies. - Dawson
In P.E. I hope I get 2 min. and 45 seconds for the mile. - Nathan

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Chatty Tuesday

I don't know if it is the change in the weather or the end of the quarter that has some 5C students feeling the need to chat during class! For some reason, some of us had a very hard time paying attention and listening during class today and others had a hard time controlling their talking in the hallway. Most of 5C had another fantastic day, but a few of us need to work on our classroom and hallway behavior. Those of you who had a rough day - I want to see some improvement tomorrow! For the rest of you - keep up the awesome work!

Just a quick reminder - tomorrow the school fundraising packets are due. I have already received a few packets from 5C students, but there are many more that need to be turned in. Thank you, thank you, thank you to those students and families who sold items or donated money. Thanks to you, our school's piggy bank will be filled and we will get to enjoy some awesome field trips during the year!

Have a great night! See you tomorrow!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Super Day in 5C!

Wow! We had a fantastic day! It feels so nice to have a great start to our first normal week in a long time! We were very respectful and great listeners today! I could tell that many 5C students were working on "ghost busting" today! Keep up the great work!

A couple of quick notes - book orders went home today and they are due back next Monday. Also, next week is Character Counts week and students have the opportunity to participate in special dress up days. A note came home about this today, but check out the sidebar for more information!

Not much to report today - I just wanted to let 5C students and families know how awesome our day was! Let's do it again tomorrow 5C! Have a great night!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Wacky Week

We had some crazy days with crazy schedules. - Haley S.
I'm radical reading on October 30th! - Austin (this crate I am sitting on is very uncomfy)
Josh is very violent at recess. - Haley M.
We made mobiles in science. - Lilly
I got the hang on the bar that the "Strength Team" people bent. - Chaise
We finished our mobile. - Dawson
Hat day was on Wednesday. - Mathew
We got free water today after the pep rally. - Nathan
Radical readers is going to be fun! - Jordan
We got Mrs. Kuhn good! She screamed! - Katie
I got to be a volunteer at the "Strength Team" assembly. I got to try to break the bat. - Spencer
In literacy we enjoyed Mr. Sickles Radical Reading! - Trevor
Trevor, Logan and I Radical Read on the 23rd! (two weeks) - Abbey
Mr. Sickles wore a funny outfit when he was the Radical Reader. - Cameron
People got scared when Mr. Sickles shouted! - Nathan
For Radical Reading I didn't get the date that I wanted, but I'm okay with the date that I have. - Haley M.

Mrs. Kuhn is the bestest! DUH! - 5C Students

Homecoming Blue and White Friday!

I twisted my ankle today. - Abbey
I'm going to the Homecoming game tonight. - Chaise
The Cresco Majors are going to whoop Decorah. (Game starts at 12:00, on Sunday) - Cameron
We are playing the Bobcats tonight for football. - Austin
"Chase the Kitties" - Haley M.
It's finally Homecoming! - Alexis
I've had the hiccups all day. - Nathan
Let's Go Cadets! - Jordan
It's fun getting my hair dyed. - Trevor
Run those cats over! - Dawson
MEOW!!!! - Spencer
The Homecoming Queen is Emily Novatny and the King is Adam Praska. - Katie
I'm going to be in the parade today. C.H.S.! - Cameron
This is a good Homecoming year. It was a good pep rally. - Haley S.
I didn't care for the Homecoming dress up days this year. - Haley M.
We're going to beat the Bobcats. - Chaise
Hit 'em hard - Trevor
Let your dogs loose! - Spencer

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy Week!

Well, as the title of this post suggests, we have had a very busy Homecoming week! 5C students have been participating in the dress up days and the special activities for Homecoming week. We have also been busy in our classes - getting all of our end of the quarter work completed! I can't believe that next Friday is already the end of the first quarter! Parent teacher conferences will be here before we know it!

We were fortunate to have our regular schedule back this week...almost!! On Wednesday, we had an elementary assembly with the "Strength Team". They were very impressive - breaking baseball bats over their knees, bending steel bars and crushing full cans of pop! But, in addition to impressing us with their strength, they also had a great message: We are not born winners or losers, we are born choosers and the choices we make can make us champions! Great message! Tomorrow we will be participating in Fall Fitness Day and a pep rally to pump us up for the football game! Go Cadets!

We have also been busy this week working on personal goals that we set last week. Our goals for this month are centered on our behaviors in and out of the classroom. Many of 5C students decided that they need to work on controlling their talking during class and in the hallway or raising a hand before they share and idea or question. Some students are working on paying attention in class and others are working on being better listeners. We are also working on some class goals - working on our blurting, talking during class time and using our time wisely -  just to name a few. Ask your 5C student what his/her goal is for the month of October. 

Remember 5C - Who ya gonna call?....Ghostbusters!

Thanks for a wonderful week 5C! I'm looking forward to our day together tomorrow! It's going to be a crazy one, but a fun one!

Monday, October 5, 2009

5C Thoughts About Last Week

We were having such a good time reading and eating with our families on Friday, that we didn't have time to blog!! So, today we took a few minutes out of our day to record our thoughts about our school week last week. 

We learned about partial differences in math. - Trevor
We had our parents come to read with us. We had breadsticks and they were really good. - Chaise
Abbey's mom cooked our breadsticks. - Nathan
Abbey's mom is a good cook. - Spencer
We had guidance again. - Haley M.
There was a paper thing in social studies where we had to draw pictures of winter counts. - Mathew
Some of us got in trouble in Mrs. Halverson's class. - Haley S.
We asked "Would you Rather" questions. - Katie
All of the non-noisy kids in social studies and science got free homework passes. - Dawson
I was only here on Friday because I was sick. - Jordan
We learned many ways to add and subtract in math. - Trevor
Katie tried to change her name to Kation. - Mrs. Kuhn
We had to have our parents sign our tests. - Chaise
We had chicken nuggets for lunch. - Abbey
Math rocked! - Alexis
Who ya gonna call? Ghostbusters! - Mrs. Kuhn

Mrs. Kuhn rocks - from all of 5C