Thursday, October 8, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy Week!

Well, as the title of this post suggests, we have had a very busy Homecoming week! 5C students have been participating in the dress up days and the special activities for Homecoming week. We have also been busy in our classes - getting all of our end of the quarter work completed! I can't believe that next Friday is already the end of the first quarter! Parent teacher conferences will be here before we know it!

We were fortunate to have our regular schedule back this week...almost!! On Wednesday, we had an elementary assembly with the "Strength Team". They were very impressive - breaking baseball bats over their knees, bending steel bars and crushing full cans of pop! But, in addition to impressing us with their strength, they also had a great message: We are not born winners or losers, we are born choosers and the choices we make can make us champions! Great message! Tomorrow we will be participating in Fall Fitness Day and a pep rally to pump us up for the football game! Go Cadets!

We have also been busy this week working on personal goals that we set last week. Our goals for this month are centered on our behaviors in and out of the classroom. Many of 5C students decided that they need to work on controlling their talking during class and in the hallway or raising a hand before they share and idea or question. Some students are working on paying attention in class and others are working on being better listeners. We are also working on some class goals - working on our blurting, talking during class time and using our time wisely -  just to name a few. Ask your 5C student what his/her goal is for the month of October. 

Remember 5C - Who ya gonna call?....Ghostbusters!

Thanks for a wonderful week 5C! I'm looking forward to our day together tomorrow! It's going to be a crazy one, but a fun one!


  1. 5C, keep up the ghost-busting!! I'm behind you all the way. I'll do what I can to remind you to work on your individual and class goals. Thanks for a great class today!

    Mrs. Sorenson

  2. Hi 5C,
    I am happy to see that you are working on your goals. Stick with it!

  3. got it. a lot of teachers and principles ROCk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K!!!!!!E!!!!!!!!!E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!P!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!H!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!X!!!!!!!!!!!!!!C!!!!!!!!!!!L!!!!!!!!!M!!!!!!!!!!!A!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!T!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!N!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!M!!!!!!!!!A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!C!!!!!!!!!!!!O!!!!!!!!!M!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!N!!!!!!!!!!!!!!G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
