Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What's Happening in 5C?

I can hardly believe that we have already been in school for almost three weeks! We have been very busy getting into our routine and learning about what 5th grade is all about! We are also trying to get comfortable with our schedule - and the kids are the only ones struggling with this! Wednesdays throw ALL of us for a loop!! Hang in there 5C, we'll figure it out eventually!

I'm sure many of you are wondering what we have been doing in class these first few weeks we have been together. So, here is a little rundown of what we have been learning about in all of our classes.

In literacy, students have been working with Mrs. Sorenson on building stamina for independent reading and choosing "good fit books". They also learned about what writing is and completed a writing activity using the computer program Kidspiration. In math, we took a pretest over Unit 1: Number Theory. I used the results of these tests to put the students into math groups, where they will receive their math instruction in a small group setting. These groups will change for each unit. Some of the topics we have been covering in math include rectangular arrays, factors and divisibility rules. We also started word study (spelling) and so far have reviewed the sounds of the short vowels and are currently working on reviewing the sound of long a. In science, the students have been learning about erosion and from the looks of Mrs. Halverson's classroom, completing some science experiments about erosion. We had our first science quiz today over erosion vocabulary words...I hope everyone studied!! In social studies, students have been talking about patriotism and created some really neat posters about patriotism. 

Students in 5th grade have also been introduced to band during these first few weeks of school. Just a reminder - please return the band paper whether you are planning on joining band or not, so Mrs. Jones can start scheduling "try-outs".

Thanks to everyone who has checked out our blog! I know some of my 5C kiddos are interested in becoming followers with their families, so if anyone has trouble joining our site, please let me know!

Have a great night!!

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